As I Was Saying...

Wine and Chismes Edition with your host Cheyenne and Astrid

Season 1 Episode 12

A podcast series where Cheyenne Tyler Jacobs and Astrid Ferguson will have some girl talk about books, business and everything under the sun within the sisterhood kingdom.

In this episode we talk about how we met and where we were in our creative process. We take you through the journey of how we started in a IG pod, to becoming mentor and mentee to now really close friends. Yes, you guys we met on the gram. Hashtag #wemetonthegram #thestruggle and we had drama in #thesestreets 👏 Glad to say those days are behind us.

We discuss how we had to let go of the fear, build confidence in ourselves and learn to be ok with saying, "No!" We share some of our favorite books that changed our lives and ultimately helped us build our businesses from the bottom. We only in maybe at the first floor now, but the foundation we have been laying down for a while by doubling down on our visions.